Welcome to the Introduction to Qualtrics module. This module provides an introduction to creating and distributing a survey using the online tool Qualtrics. If you are a Curtin staff member or student, you can access your Curtin Qualtrics account by logging in with your Curtin ID and password (if not, you can create a free account).
The module covers the key features of the software and uses the example of creating a travel preferences survey to demonstrate concepts. You may wish to work through the module in its entirety and to create this survey, or you may prefer to work through some or all of the different sections as required to customise your own survey.
Your feedback on this module is very welcome and can be provided at any time on the feedback page, or alternatively for any questions about the module please contact Library-UniSkills@curtin.edu.au
What you will learn
The PDF below is a printable version of this guide, which you can download and refer to later.