Footnote components:
Case Name in Italics (Year) Volume Law Report Series Starting Page, Pinpoint.
Footnote examples:
Law report organised by volume number
Johnson v Staskos (2015) 48 WAR 349, 13.
Law report organised by year
Bakker v Stewart [1980] VR 17, 22.
Extra tips:
Footnote components:
Case Name in Italics [Year] Court identifier Judgment number, [Pinpoint].
Footnote example:
R v Landmeter [2015] SASFC 3, [16].
Extra tips:
Footnote components:
Case Name in Italics (Court, Judge(s), Full judgment date) Pinpoint.
Footnote example:
Barton v Chibber (Supreme Court of Victoria, Hampel J, 29 June 1989) 3.
Footnote components:
Parties’ Names in Italics, Volume Report Series and Series Number Starting Page, Pinpoint (Jurisdiction and Court Name, Year).
Footnote example:
Bush v Schiavo, 885 So 2d 321, 336 (Fla, 2004).
Extra Tip:
Footnote components:
Title Year in Italics (Abbreviated Jurisdiction) Pinpoint.
Footnote examples:
Act of Parliament
National Health Act 1953 (Cth) s 87.
Delegated legislation
Radiation Safety (General) Regulations 1983 (WA) reg 22.
Extra tips:
Footnote components:
Title of Bill Year (Abbreviated Jurisdiction) Pinpoint.
Footnote example:
Australian Border Force Bill 2015 (Cth) cl 26.
Extra tip:
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia may be cited as the Australian Constitution, the Commonwealth Constitution, or simply as the Constitution as long as there is no chance that your reader will mistake it for a different constitution:
Australian Constitution s 51(ii).
It may also be referred to within its enacting legislation:
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (Imp) 63 & 64 Vict, c 12, s 9.
Constitutions of the Australian states should be cited as normal statutes:
Constitution Act 1889 (WA) s 2(1).
Footnote components:
Explanatory Memoranda, Title of Bill Year (Abbreviated Jurisdiction) Pinpoint.
Footnote example:
Explanatory Memoranda, Health Legislation Amendment Bill (No 1) 2003 (Cth).
Extra tip:
Footnote components:
Jurisdiction not abbreviated, Parliamentary Debates in Italics, Chamber of the House, Full date of Debate, Pinpoint (Name of Speaker, Position of Speaker).
Footnote example:
Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, Senate, 3 May 2016, 3322 (Penny Wong).
Extra tips:
Footnote components:
Jurisdiction not abbreviated, Gazette Title in Italics, No Gazette Number, Full Date, Pinpoint.
Footnote examples:
Commonwealth, Gazette: Special, No s 489, 1 December 2004.
Minister for Lands (WA), ‘Land Acquisition and Public Works Act 1902- Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth) - Notice of Intention to Take Land for a Public Work’ in Western Australia, Western Australian Government Gazette, No 27, 18 February 1997, 1142, 1143.
Extra tips:
Footnote components:
Instrumentality/Officer, Instrument Title in Italics, (Document Number, Full Date) Pinpoint.
Footnote example:
Australian Taxation Office, Income Tax: Business Related Capital Expenditure -Section 40-880 of the Income Tax Act 1997 Core Issues, (TR 2011/6, 30 November 2011).
Extra tips:
Footnote components:
Treaty Title in Italics, Parties’ Names (where applicable), Date Opened for Signature or Signed, Treaty Series (date of entry into force) Pinpoint.
Footnote example:
The Antarctic Treaty, signed 1 December 1959, 402 UNTS 71 (entered into force 23 June 1961) art 1.
Footnote components:
Statute Title in Italics, Title Chapter or Volume Number Abbreviated Code Name Pinpoint (Publisher’s Name, Year of Code, Supplement).
Footnote example:
Trade Act of 2002, 19 USC § § 3803-5 42 (2006).
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