This module is also presented in face to face and online workshops by Curtin Library. Discover upcoming workshops
What you will learn
Presented here is an example of a typical data analysis and visualisation workflow using Python. You will learn about Python, along with
This workflow example is intended to give a coding experience using Python. It is not intended as a rigorous academic exercise in learning Python. There are already many wonderful resources available for free on the internet which serve this purpose.
Our recommendation is to use the self-paced online courses available from the Carpentries for further learning. These include
This example does assume you have already Python installed. Follow the Carpentries instructions, however when asked download this environment file instead of the Carpentries version and use dataliteracywithpython_environment.yml in place of carpentries_environment.yml in the commands.
To run the Jupyter environment, open a terminal window (in windows use the Miniforge prompt), and run these two commands
conda activate dataliteracywithpython
jupyter lab
and at the end of the session
conda deactivate