Real World Datasets

There are many sources of data on the internet. Governments make public sector data available for activities such as Hackathons, allowing diverse groups of people to provide innovative solutions for communities.

For example, the West Australian State Government has the site Data WA, with over 2000 datasets.

The Australian Government has the site, with over 100,000 datasets.

Another good source is the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

Dataset 1 - Accessing and Cleaning

Our first dataset is Australian Taxation Statistics 2021-2022, in particular Table 6B which gives summary tax details for individual returns by postcode.

This dataset can be accessed directly from Python, it is an Excel xlsx file. It is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence so is suitable for use here.

Previewing this file, the data really starts in row 2 with the column names. Let’s say we are only interested in some data, somewhat arbitrarily Taxable Income and Private Health cover status related data across States and Postcodes. So we only need to import Columns 1, 3, 4, 6 and 155 (in Python these are referenced as 0, 2, 3, 5 and 154 as the first column is numbered ‘0’).

tax2022_url = ''

tax2022_raw = pd.read_excel(tax2022_url, sheet_name='Table 6B', skiprows=1, usecols=[0,2,3,5,154])

tax2022_raw["Postcode"] = tax2022_raw["Postcode"].astype('str').str.pad(width=4, side='left', fillchar='0')

State/ Territory1 Postcode Individuals\nno. Taxable income or loss4\n$ People with private health insurance\nno.
0 ACT 2600 5951 791214764 4841
1 ACT 2601 3614 265604097 1965
2 ACT 2602 23085 2026942835 15791
3 ACT 2603 7558 1055186744 5926
4 ACT 2604 9137 953261746 6649

Python/Pandas provides the functionality to change the column names to something easier to work with.

tax2022_raw.columns = ['State', 'Postcode', 'Returns', 'TaxableIncome_dollars', 'PrivateHealth_returns']
State Postcode Returns TaxableIncome_dollars PrivateHealth_returns
0 ACT 2600 5951 791214764 4841
1 ACT 2601 3614 265604097 1965
2 ACT 2602 23085 2026942835 15791
3 ACT 2603 7558 1055186744 5926
4 ACT 2604 9137 953261746 6649

Using only code, Python/Pandas provides the ability to get structure information (info()) and summary descriptions (describe()) of the data.

  • Structure/Info

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2639 entries, 0 to 2638
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------                 --------------  ----- 
 0   State                  2639 non-null   object
 1   Postcode               2639 non-null   object
 2   Returns                2639 non-null   int64 
 3   TaxableIncome_dollars  2639 non-null   int64 
 4   PrivateHealth_returns  2639 non-null   int64 
dtypes: int64(3), object(2)
memory usage: 103.2+ KB

  • Summary/Describe
Returns TaxableIncome_dollars PrivateHealth_returns
count 2639.000000 2.639000e+03 2639.000000
mean 5886.849185 4.257770e+08 3312.040925
std 8672.895406 6.176270e+08 4695.577501
min 51.000000 1.368192e+06 12.000000
25% 412.500000 2.389290e+07 212.000000
50% 2103.000000 1.300142e+08 1079.000000
75% 8608.500000 6.246685e+08 5010.500000
max 123657.000000 5.074196e+09 36635.000000

To filter rows, columns, or any combination of these, there are multiple ways of achieving this in Python/Pandas. Python uses 0-based indexing, the first index of a list is 0.

Filter by

  • Columns/Fields, either by column number
tax2022_raw.iloc[:, 1].head(3) # 2nd column
0    2600
1    2601
2    2602
Name: Postcode, dtype: object
  • or by Column ‘Name’ (with tail instead of head, to access the last rows of the data frame),
tax2022_raw.loc[:, "Postcode"].tail(4)
2635        6951
2636        6959
2637        6985
2638    WA other
Name: Postcode, dtype: object
  • to retrieve the unique values from a column,
array(['ACT', 'NSW', 'NT', 'Overseas', 'QLD', 'SA', 'TAS', 'VIC', 'WA'],
  • Rows/Records, either by row number, returned a row as a series,
tax2022_raw.iloc[1] # 
State                          ACT
Postcode                      2601
Returns                       3614
TaxableIncome_dollars    265604097
PrivateHealth_returns         1965
Name: 1, dtype: object
  • Rows/Records, either by row number, returned a row as a data frame,
tax2022_raw.iloc[[1]] # return a row as a data frame
State Postcode Returns TaxableIncome_dollars PrivateHealth_returns
1 ACT 2601 3614 265604097 1965
  • by rows which have particular values (or categories) in a column,
tax2022_raw[tax2022_raw["State"].isin(["Unknown","Overseas"])] # returns rows where State **is** Unknown or Overseas
State Postcode Returns TaxableIncome_dollars PrivateHealth_returns
698 Overseas Overseas 123657 3888397917 17557
  • by Rows and Columns, either by row and column number,
tax2022_raw.iloc[1,1] # 2nd row, 2nd column
  • or by the row with the maximum value of a column, and returning only three columns of the dataframe.
tax2022_raw.loc[tax2022_raw["PrivateHealth_returns"] == tax2022_raw["PrivateHealth_returns"].max(), ["State","Postcode","PrivateHealth_returns"]]
State Postcode PrivateHealth_returns
852 QLD 4350 36635

There are two interesting aspects of the data above which demonstrate the need to ‘clean’ data.

  • The tail command above reveals that the data is not exclusively ‘per postcode’; if the number of returns was small those postcodes are grouped into an ‘Other’ row. We will leave this for the moment and observe the impact later in this workflow.

  • There are some State values for ‘Overseas’ and ‘Unknown’ which are not of interest. In Python we could create a new dataframe without these. We can also check the new dataframe with the filter to check that it returns no matching rows.

# Create a new, intermediate table without these rows
tax2022_raw_aus = tax2022_raw[~tax2022_raw["State"].isin(["Unknown","Overseas"])]

# Check the rows are now excluded 

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 0 entries
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------                 --------------  ----- 
 0   State                  0 non-null      object
 1   Postcode               0 non-null      object
 2   Returns                0 non-null      int64 
 3   TaxableIncome_dollars  0 non-null      int64 
 4   PrivateHealth_returns  0 non-null      int64 
dtypes: int64(3), object(2)
memory usage: 0.0+ bytes

Method Chaining

In cleaning and subsetting the data above we now have two data frames, namely tax2022_raw and tax2022_raw_aus. In trying to keep the Python commands relatively short and understandable we can end up with a lot of intermediate or temporary data frames, which can be difficult to keep track of. Another alternative is to use method chaining, where one method is called on another method, and so on, forming a ‘chain’ of methods (or actions) performed on the data. Effectively the output of one command is ‘piped’ into the next command and so on. This strikes a great balance between command readability and minimising intermediate data frames.

Method chaining is available for a number of core and add-on packages, including Pandas. We have already been using method chaining in much of the above!

For example, to achieve removing the same rows in the previous step, we can apply the query() method directly to the tax2022_raw data and compare the total rows with the previous info() method. Methods are chained using the ‘dot’ operator/notation.

Note that the head command is part of method chaining too.

Note also that for the remainder of the workshop we have shown each new method on a new line, which requires enclosing the whole statement in outer brackets (). The indents here are not critical, as distinct from other commands in Python such as loops or if-the-else, where indentation is critical.


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 2638 entries, 0 to 2638
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------                 --------------  ----- 
 0   State                  2638 non-null   object
 1   Postcode               2638 non-null   object
 2   Returns                2638 non-null   int64 
 3   TaxableIncome_dollars  2638 non-null   int64 
 4   PrivateHealth_returns  2638 non-null   int64 
dtypes: int64(3), object(2)
memory usage: 123.7+ KB

Key Learning

Key Learning #1 - Data is data, there is no need to constantly have a dedicated view for the raw, original data. These tools allow us to view it in any form needed so as to inform our analysis and visualisation.

Key Learning #2 - Cleaning the data involves investigating the original data, leaving it as it is and writing code to create a workable dataset, having removed unnecessary or incorrect data.

Key Learning #3 - Using method chaining makes it simpler to prepare, read and modify code and eliminates the need for the clutter of many intermediate or temporary data frames.

Further Learning

Further Learning #1 - The datasets in this workshop are quite ‘clean’ and complete. Then there are datasets which are incomplete with data that is not a number or NAN - for another time.

Dataset 1 - Analysis

As an example, let’s perform some aggregate functions, such as sums or totals of dollars and returns for each State. Whereas query() acts on rows, drop() can act on columns and rows (axis=). We will aggregate by State, so we remove the Postcode column using drop(). We could select the rows we require as per above, however here it is more convenient to drop the few column(s) we don’t require.

To calculate the sums we can pass the data to a groupby() command to group by State, and then pass that result to a sum() command to perform the aggregation on all columns.

# Totals by State
            .drop("Postcode", axis=1)
Returns TaxableIncome_dollars PrivateHealth_returns
ACT 301650 25305959656 199369
NSW 4788259 366314190746 2832812
NT 132529 9640785020 66821
QLD 3156186 216127627636 1607801
SA 1065717 68138353958 638572
TAS 329221 20005188929 171046
VIC 3958298 284549647726 2054944
WA 1679878 129655460938 1151554

To calculate the sums for the whole of Australia for 2021-2022, let’s filter the State column too.

# Totals for Australia
            .drop(["Postcode","State"], axis=1)
Returns                       15411738
TaxableIncome_dollars    1119737214609
PrivateHealth_returns          8722919
dtype: int64

As a further example, let’s calculate the

  • Taxable Income per return per State, and
  • Percent of Private Health Insurance per State

Here we are creating two new calculated columns based on the data for each row, and so will use assign() to create the new columns and mean() for the summary.

# Means per State
            .drop("Postcode", axis=1)
            .assign(TaxableIncome_dollarspr = lambda x: x.TaxableIncome_dollars/x.Returns)
            .assign(PrivateHealth_percentpp = lambda x: x.PrivateHealth_returns/x.Returns*100)
            .loc[:, ["State", "TaxableIncome_dollarspr", "PrivateHealth_percentpp"]]
TaxableIncome_dollarspr PrivateHealth_percentpp
ACT 86592.310650 64.491001
NSW 71809.852336 60.113227
NT 72862.817283 49.597764
QLD 63037.803493 50.046355
SA 60967.223483 58.458858
TAS 58154.107697 50.852413
VIC 66824.784228 49.701952
WA 73781.555452 66.536369

Wide and Narrow Formats

The raw data is in summary form, or wide form. Easily read by people, not ideal for all the processing options available for machines eg AI.

Sometimes tasks in Python are more easily achieved with the data in narrow or long format, where each row essentially only has one item of data.

Fortunately Python/Pandas have tools which allow for easily swapping between formats, namely melt and pivot.

What is important is knowing which columns are to be kept, often called identifier variables ( Postcode and State ), and which columns are to be pivoted, often called measured variables ( Returns, Taxable Income and Private Health status ).

Let’s create a temporary dataframe tax2022_raw_long here just to show the effect of moving from wide to narrow/long formats and back again.

From Wide to Narrow/Long

tax2022_raw_long = (tax2022_raw.query('~State.isin(["Unknown","Overseas"])')
State Postcode item value
0 ACT 2600 Returns 5951
1 ACT 2601 Returns 3614
2 ACT 2602 Returns 23085
3 ACT 2603 Returns 7558
4 ACT 2604 Returns 9137

and then back from Narrow/Long to Wide

item State Postcode PrivateHealth_returns Returns TaxableIncome_dollars
0 ACT 2600 4841 5951 791214764
1 ACT 2601 1965 3614 265604097
2 ACT 2602 15791 23085 2026942835
3 ACT 2603 5926 7558 1055186744
4 ACT 2604 6649 9137 953261746

Visualisation in Python

Python also has functions to visualise data. One common package used for visualisations is matplotlib, which along with Pandas can create visualisations with a minimal effort.

The code defines the data to be used, and then we use code to generate the graphs and assign values to the different aspects of the graphs. Code generated visualisation can be very efficient compared to GUI based platforms.

For example, to quickly visualise (without much styling!) the summed totals of the raw data per State

  • we take the code from earlier (#Totals by State),
  • and simply use to create a barchart. Using subplots shows the different variables in separate subplots or facets, each with independent y axis ranges.
            .drop("Postcode", axis=1)
  "State",subplots=True, figsize=(12, 4), layout=(1,3), legend=False))

Three plots showing total taxable income, tax returns and private health claimed for the tax year 2021 thru 2022 in Australia per State

To quickly visualise the mean values per state

  • we take the code from earlier (#Means per State),
  • and similarly use to create a barchart.
            .drop("Postcode", axis=1)
            .assign(TaxableIncome_dollarspr = lambda x: x.TaxableIncome_dollars/x.Returns)
            .assign(PrivateHealth_percentpp = lambda x: x.PrivateHealth_returns/x.Returns*100)
            .loc[:, ["State", "TaxableIncome_dollarspr", "PrivateHealth_percentpp"]]
  "State",subplots=True, figsize=(12, 4), layout=(1,2), legend=False))

Two plots showing mean taxable income per return per postcode and mean percentage of private health cover per postcode for the tax year 2021 thru 2022 in Australia per State

Note: These plots are images; they can become blurry when enlarged and are not responsive on different devices such as mobiles or tablets. Other visualisation tools, such as Bokeh (presented later) are more versatile as they effectively recreate the plot to suit each device.


When the source data changes, for example more data samples are collected or updated, using code to manipulate the data brings a massive advantage - automation. The same code can be re-executed on the new data for updated analysis and visualisations.

As an example, here is the code used to sum the three Taxation parameters for Australia for 2021-2022, re-executed for the 2020-2021 dataset, also published under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia. The code required a small tweak, the columns are in a different order compared to 2021-2022.

Compare the results for 2020/21 and 2021/22.

  • 2020/2021
tax2021_url = ''

tax2021_raw = pd.read_excel(tax2021_url, sheet_name='Table 6B', skiprows=1, usecols=[0,1,2,4,153])

tax2021_raw.columns = ['State', 'Postcode', 'Returns', 'TaxableIncome_dollars', 'PrivateHealth_returns']

            .drop(["Postcode","State"], axis=1)
            .assign(TaxableIncome_dollarspr = lambda x: x.TaxableIncome_dollars/x.Returns)
            .assign(PrivateHealth_percentpp = lambda x: x.PrivateHealth_returns/x.Returns*100)
            .loc[:, ["TaxableIncome_dollarspr", "PrivateHealth_percentpp"]]
TaxableIncome_dollarspr    62881.598176
PrivateHealth_percentpp       55.713724
dtype: float64
  • 2021/22
            .drop(["Postcode","State"], axis=1)
            .assign(TaxableIncome_dollarspr = lambda x: x.TaxableIncome_dollars/x.Returns)
            .assign(PrivateHealth_percentpp = lambda x: x.PrivateHealth_returns/x.Returns*100)
            .loc[:, ["TaxableIncome_dollarspr", "PrivateHealth_percentpp"]]
TaxableIncome_dollarspr    67519.740410
PrivateHealth_percentpp       55.812433
dtype: float64

Also compare the plot of mean values for 2020/21.

            .drop("Postcode", axis=1)
            .assign(TaxableIncome_dollarspr = lambda x: x.TaxableIncome_dollars/x.Returns)
            .assign(PrivateHealth_percentpp = lambda x: x.PrivateHealth_returns/x.Returns*100)
            .loc[:, ["State", "TaxableIncome_dollarspr", "PrivateHealth_percentpp"]]
  "State",subplots=True, figsize=(12, 4), layout=(1,2), legend=False))

Two plots showing mean taxable income per return per postcode and mean percentage of private health cover per postcode for the tax year 2020 thru 2021 in Australia per State

Key Learning

Key Learning #4 - Data frame structures are easily transformed in Python, transforming to whatever form is convenient for a particular purpose.

Key Learning #5 - Using code to perform analysis and generate graphs and visualisations saves a lot of time and finessing, particularly when tasks need to be repeated regularly and often.

Further Learning

Further Learning #2 - The above visualisations were generated quickly, without too much concern for formatting. Every aspect of the graphs above can be controlled to give beautiful and purposeful visualisations.