Assessment 3: Written reflection

You are required to produce a written reflection of your learning in this unit this semester across three different aspects, including:

  • Indigenous culture, history and the challenges facing Indigenous Australians
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the impact it has had on your understanding of responsible business decision-making
  • Your behaviour, actions and emotions in relation to your learning.

Reflective Writing

This assessment is a critical reflection on your learning, required to be written in the first person. This helps to focus on your personal experience. Reflective writing tasks at university are a common means of assessment and developing these skills will give you an advantage for future tasks. Remember that you need to analyse your experiences and demonstrate self-awareness throughout your reflection.

The following resources provide information about the reflective writing process, including some do’s and don’ts.

Indigenous Culture, history and challenges facing Indigenous Australians

For part one of this assessment you are required to critically reflect on your understanding and perspectives on Indigenous culture, history and the challenges facing Indigenous Australians.

You should use the sources for assessment one as well as your research and notes for the assessment one case study and your case study submission and feedback.

You must use learning materials from the unit as evidence to support your answer. Refer to the Source List in the Assessment instructions for details about which sources will be most appropriate, for example, assessment feedback, learning materials, published sources from sources for assessment one or otherwise. View the flowchart below to help you decide if you need to reference your source.

Corporate Social Responsibility

For part two of this assessment you are required to critically reflect on your understanding about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the impact it has had on your understanding of responsible business decision-making.

You should refer to the sources that you located for assessment two as well as your research and notes for the assessment two oral presentation and your submission and feedback.

You must use learning materials from the unit as evidence to support your answer. Refer to the Source List in the Assessment instructions for details about which sources will be most appropriate, for example, assessment feedback, learning materials, published sources from sources for assessment one or otherwise. View the flowchart below to help you decide if you need to reference your source.

Individual cultural and communication skills development

For part three of this assessment you are required to critically reflect on your behaviour, actions and emotions in relation to your learning in this unit this semester. You will be analysing your development of a specific academic skill such as academic writing, oral communication, critical thinking, referencing etc. You will need to refer back to your course materials as directed by the Assessment 3 Requirements.

There are many resources available designed to assist with the development of these skills, that you can draw on for your reflection. The Library’s UniSkills site has modules on academic writing, oral communication, critical thinking, referencing and integrating sources and more.

The Academic Communication Development team also has a good range of Handy Handouts available on these topics and more.

You must use learning materials from the unit as evidence to support your answer. Refer to the Source List in the Assessment instructions for details about which sources will be most appropriate, for example, assessment feedback, learning materials, published sources from sources for assessment one or otherwise. View the flowchart below to help you decide if you need to reference your source.


Even though you are writing reflectively, you will still need to provide references for your sources. This flowchart provides guidance on the requirements.

%%{init: {'theme': 'neutral', 'themeVariables': { 'fontSize': '1.5rem', 'fontFamily': 'Arial' }}}%%
flowchart TB

  accTitle: Flowchart to help decide if reference is needed.
  accDescr {
  A reference is needed if your source is 
  - from the list of sources given for assessment 1,
  - a journal article,
  - a book,
  - a report or
  - another internet source, etc.
  Where a reference is needed, please use Chicago 17th Author-Date referencing style as defined in UniSkills, adding an in text citation and a reference list entry.
  A reference is not needed if your source is
  - a tutorial activity or discussion, 
  - a lecture, 
  - assessment feedback, 
  - content from your assessment or 
  -  a tutorial template.
  Where a reference is not needed, simply mention the source in the text.
  start((("`Do I need a reference for a source? My source is...`")))
  start --> pub_list
  start --> pub_misc
  start --> unpub_misc
  subgraph unpub[" "]
    unpub_misc("`a tutorial activity or discussion, 
    a lecture, 
    assessment feedback, 
    content from your assessment or 
    a tutorial template...`") --> unpub_concl      
    unpub_concl(("`then you **DO NOT** need a reference.`")) --> unpub_action
    subgraph unpub_action[" "]
      direction LR    
      unpub_action_ex("`Mention the source in the text.
      In-text example: 
      - I found the **FBL Critical Reading Template** that we filled out and discussed in **Module 2** to be... In particular, the sections about...`")
      style unpub_action_ex text-align: left    
  subgraph pub[" "]
    pub_list("fa:fa-external-link-square from source list for assessment one")
    click pub_list "" "List of sources for ccib case study" _blank
    pub_list --> pub_concl
    pub_misc("`a journal article, 
    a book, 
    a report, 
    another internet source, etc....`")
    pub_misc --> pub_concl
    pub_concl(("`then you **DO** need a reference.`")) --> pub_action
    subgraph pub_action[" "]
      direction LR
      pub_action_c17("fa:fa-external-link-square Use Chicago 17th Author-Date referencing") --> pub_action_ex
      click pub_action_c17 "" "Link to Chicago 17th Author-Date referencing style" _blank
      pub_action_ex("`Include an **in-text citation** & **reference list entry**.
      In-text example: 
      - When I first read **Shultz (2020)** for the critical reading activity...
      - Watching **John Pilger's (2013)** film helped me to understand...`")
      style pub_action_ex text-align: left

  classDef node_link color:#0d6efd
  class pub_list,pub_action_c17 node_link
  classDef stroke_unpub stroke:#D20347
  class unpub,unpub_misc,unpub_concl,unpub_action,unpub_action_ex stroke_unpub
  classDef node_unpub fill:#E7E7E7
  class unpub_misc,unpub_concl,unpub_action_ex node_unpub
  classDef stroke_pub stroke:#F47F39
  class pub,pub_list,pub_misc,pub_concl,pub_action,pub_action_c17,pub_action_ex stroke_pub
  classDef node_pub fill:#E7E7E7
  class pub_list,pub_misc,pub_concl,pub_action_c17,pub_action_ex node_pub
  classDef node_start fill:#E7E7E7,stroke:#FFAB00
  class start node_start